Law databases

French and Community legal texts can be consulted free of charge online at the Bpi: find doctrine, case law, customizable models and manuals for revisions. Many first-level resources are also available for beginners and non-lawyers.

Law databases are classified into 4 sections:

How to access resources?

Click on the instructions for use to discover the meaning of the access pictograms next to the resources (accessible from Bpi computers, from wifi.bpi, from your home, etc.)

The Unavoidable


pictogramme indiquant une ressource numérique accessible depuis les ordinateurs et la Bpi et via le wifi-bpi
At the Bpi / On wifi.bpi

Lamyline is an essential platform for the study and practice of law. In addition to the presence of numerous legislative texts or case law, there is all the legal documentation of the publisher Lamy, in digital format: works, forms and reviews, official funds (legislation, case law, all official bulletins with archives) and the review Liaisons sociales daily.

Elnet – les Editions Législatives

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At the Bpi / On wifi.bpi

The Legislative Editions are essential to be up to date on legal news thanks to its permanent Dictionaries which ensure an advanced watch in different subjects. The Bpi subscribes to 5 subjects: Public order, Collective agreements, Law of foreigners, Sports law, Savings and financial products. The platform also provides many model forms or agreements to help you draft your own contracts.

Journals and articles

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At the Bpi / On wifi.bpi

This site provides access to the full text of articles published in 20 various journals such as La Gazette du Palais, Les Petites- Affiches, Bulletin Joly Sociétés, Bulletin Joly Bourse, Social notebooks, Review of contracts, General review of insurance law, Review of public law as well as the ESSENTIEL series.


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At the Bpi / On wifi.bpi / Remote limited access

OpenEdition is the essential platform for the humanities and social sciences. It is particularly useful for the history of law since Antiquity with hundreds of ebooks or journals.

Ulrich’s Web

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At the Bpi / On wifi.bpi

With Ulrich’s Web, you can have a state of the art of all the reviews published in law in France and abroad since their date of publication. Many journals freely accessible on the Internet are also listed.

Ebooks and manuals

Find the courses given at the Academy of International Law in The Hague, from 1923 to today, i.e. more than 300 volumes. Written in English or French, these courses cover the theoretical and practical aspects of international law, including in terms of legislation and case law.


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At the Bpi / On wifi.bpi / Remote limited access

Cairn is a platform in the humanities and social sciences with an important corpus in Law. In addition to a few magazines, there are a hundred ebooks and the entire Que Sais-Je collection to help you with your revisions or review key concepts!

Start in law

Numerique Premium

pictogramme indiquant une ressource numérique accessible depuis les ordinateurs et la Bpi, via le wifi-bpi et depuis chez vous
At the Bpi / On wifi.bpi / Remote access

Numérique Premium offers a selection of legal assistance books adapted to most situations in personal and professional life, with guides for the self-employed, entrepreneurs and employees. Also find essential works on French and international law. The Bpi offers free and unlimited access to these e-books 24/7! You can find all this content at home after creating an account at the Bpi!


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At the Bpi / On wifi.bpi / Remote access

Bibliovox is a platform of digital books on many subjects including an important law catalog of more than 800 works. To be found there: summary works on points of law (Labour Law in 350 questions) but also practical guides for professionals (Creating a small business in 50 steps). Finally, to better understand your administrative procedures, Bibliovox is also there for you.
Advantage: these ebooks are accessible from home after creating an account

Encyclopaedia Universalis

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At the Bpi / On wifi.bpi

New to law? Are you looking to understand certain key concepts or vocabulary words? Encyclopaedia Universalis offers short, synthetic and verified articles to put the Law within everyone’s reach!