How to obtain an adapted work with the disability exception to copyright?

Registration for the booths service includes the benefit of the disability exception to copyright, which allows the copying or transformation of a document without the consent of the author or publisher. Find out how to obtain a suitable work.

Use the PLATON platform

You can first consult the Platon catalog (Digital Works Transfer Platform) managed by the National Library of France. This allows you to check whether the document you are looking for is available in the appropriate format that suits you.

The request for an adapted work is made on site at the Bpi, at the Self-training office. The transmission of resources is done by email or on the user’s USB key.

The use of these documents is strictly personal, the file can be kept as long as the user needs it and then destroyed. Any reproduction is prohibited.

Identify or seek accommodation elsewhere

A few ways to find an accessible document:

  • The BDEA, or Adapted Publishing Data Bank, managed by the National Institute for Blind Youth. This database makes it possible to consult the file of an adapted work. It allows you to locate the document but not to download it.
  • Eole, offered by the media library of the Valentin Haüy association. It is a library of digital books adapted for people for whom reading is difficult due to their disability. It is possible to download books directly after creating an account for free. Librarians can help you with these procedures if necessary.

Request an adaptation

Accredited organizations can ask publishers for digital files of printed works with a legal deposit date of less than ten years. An up-to-date list of these organizations is available on the Ministry of Culture website. You can contact one of these organizations directly or seek advice from the Bpi librarians.

Publié le 17/04/2023 - CC BY-SA 4.0