Exams and revisions databases

The Bpi is a perfect place to revise! Find here all the best online sites, freely accessible for our readers and allowing you to prepare for all your exams: patent, BAC, license, TOEIC, music theory, public service competition, etc…

The Exams and revisions databases are classified into 3 sections:

How to access resources?

Click on the instructions for use to discover the meaning of the access pictograms next to the resources (accessible from Bpi computers, from wifi.bpi, from your home, etc.)

Preparation for exams (license, TOEIC, examination)


pictogramme indiquant une ressource numérique accessible depuis les ordinateurs et la Bpi, via le wifi-bpi et depuis chez vous
At the Bpi / On wifi.bpi / Remote access

ToutApprendre is an essential platform to revise important exams: highway code, IELTS, TOEFL, TOEIC, BRIGHT and many others…


pictogramme indiquant une ressource numérique accessible depuis les ordinateurs et la Bpi et via le wifi-bpi
At the Bpi / On wifi.bpi

Vocable Numérique prepares you for the TOEIC with a series of mock tests.

Pratique Infirmière

pictogramme indiquant une ressource numérique accessible depuis les ordinateurs et la Bpi et via le wifi-bpi
At the Bpi / On wifi.bpi

Pratique Infirmière is the essential platform before taking the nursing exams with review sheets and tests!


pictogramme indiquant une ressource numérique accessible depuis les ordinateurs et la Bpi et via le wifi-bpi
At the Bpi / On wifi.bpi

The Skilleos platform allows you to prepare online for the highway code, thanks to theory and practice modules, assessments and mock exams.


pictogramme indiquant une ressource numérique accessible depuis les ordinateurs et la Bpi et via le wifi-bpi
At the Bpi / On wifi.bpi

Formatheque allows you to prepare for many competitions in the social, medico-social and public service sectors: nurse, caregiver, childcare assistant, specialist educator, educator of young children, instructor-educator, social service assistant, accompanying person educational and social, level examination of the DRJSCS…

School support, extracurricular

GERIP Compétences

pictogramme indiquant une ressource numérique accessible depuis les ordinateurs et la Bpi et via le wifi-bpi
At the Bpi / On wifi.bpi

In professional retraining? Are you looking to have a job without being a graduate? This platform specializes in the CLéa certification, which makes it possible to acquire a base of common basic knowledge defined by the players in vocational training in all sectors of activity.


pictogramme indiquant une ressource numérique accessible depuis les ordinateurs et la Bpi et via le wifi-bpi
At the Bpi / On wifi.bpi

La plateforme Skilleos propose des modules en ligne pour réviser les programmes du CP à la Terminale avec Wiloki, Les Bons profs et Annabac. you can access this database at home after creating an account at the Bpi


pictogramme indiquant une ressource numérique accessible depuis les ordinateurs et la Bpi, via le wifi-bpi et depuis chez vous
At the Bpi / On wifi.bpi / Remote access

Bibliovox is a platform of ebooks on all subjects including a large collection of learning manuals, from kindergarten to BTS to revise subjects as varied as history, French or chemistry. The plus: you can continue your apprenticeship at home after creating an account at the Bpi