The terms of access to the library change in September

Countermark, new hours: the conditions of access to the library change from September 7, 2022

usager entrant dans la bibliothèque par l'entrée du niveau 2
Photo Julie Védie – Bpi

From September 7, to improve visits conditions in the Center Pompidou, a free ticket will be required to enter the Bpi until 7 p.m.

How it works ?

You enter the Centre Pompidou through Place Georges-Pompidou (green line) and the transparent doors. On the green terminal in front of you, you withdraw a ticket valid for 30 minutes. Once you have passed the security check, you go to level 2, and you validate your ticket by entering the Bpi.

Another novelty: from Saturday 10 September, the Bpi will open its doors to you from 10 a.m. on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays!

Publié le 25/08/2022 - CC BY-SA 4.0